Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Worship from my heart I bring to you
Before your throne I bow to honour you
Invisible God
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Indescribable God
You are not just the greatest
You’re greater than the greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
You spoke the universe into existence
Creation obeys the sound of your voice
Heaven and earth will pass away but your word remains the same
You are not just the greatest
You’re greater than the greatest
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Covenant keeping God
There is no one like you
Alpha and Omega
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
There is no one like you
Covenant keeping God
There is no one like you
Alpha and Omega (Omega x3)
There is no one like you
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Nobody (x4)
Nobody can be like you Lord
Nobody (x4)
You are powerful God
Head over all principalities
You are great and mighty
Full of grace and mercy
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
I have seen your power in my life
So I’m gonna let the people know that
You are not just the greatest
You’re greater than the greatest
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Jehovah Isikendu Yahweh
There is nothing that you say you will do that you can’t do
Almighty Father Yahweh
What you say you will do is already done
How can I even explain for the world to understand that you are not just the greatest
You’re greater than the greatest
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Covenant keeping God
There is no one like you
Alpha and Omega
There is no one like you
Covenant keeping God
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
There is no one like you
Alpha and Omega (Omega x3)
There is no one like you
Nobody (repeatedly)
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Nobody can be like you Lord
Even if I search through the whole world
I say nobody can be like you Lord
In all of generation
From age to age you are still the same
Nobody can be like you Lord
You’re the God who says it and it comes to pass
You are strong and great and mighty
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Nobody can do the things you do
Nobody can save the way you save
Nobody can heal the way you heal
And I have searched the world
And I have never seen anybody like you Lord
You are the ancient of days
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Rose of Sharon
Almighty God
Everlasting father
Mighty in battle
Prince of peace
Lord of lords
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
King of kings
Alpha and Omega
Master of the universe
Awesome wonder
Great physician
Miracle worker
Ocean divider
Mountain mover
Great provider
Great defender
Mighty ruler
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
Hope for the hopeless
Father to the fatherless
Mother to the motherless
My strong tower
My deliverer
Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest
Lyrics: Progress Effiong – Greater Than The Greatest - Africa Flavour
My salvation
God my refuge
My present help in times of need
My father and friend
My everything
Words are not enough to describe half of who you are