Health: 7 causes of vagina odour and ways to tackle it
Health: 7 causes of vagina odour and ways to tackle it
such an odour becomes a problem when it is strong, consistent, and unpleasant.
Without further ado, here are 7 causes of vagina odour and possible ways to
treat it.
Diet: What
we eat and drink influence the smell of the fluid excreted from our bodies. So,
it is advisable for females to avoid foods and drinks with a strong odour like
garlic, onions, curry, fish, chilies, vinegar but rather take fruits like
cucumber, kiwi, pineapple, and watermelon.
Douching: Douching is a method of washing the inside of the vagina with
water mixed with vinegar, baking soda, or iodine. It is funny how most females
believe douching helps clean the vagina.
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Cancer: Vaginal or cervical cancer is a rare type of cancer that causes a
heavy vaginal discharge. Older age and having and HPV infection are risk
factors for vaginal cancer. The foul smell is caused by the growth of cancerous
cells in the cervix.
4. Late
Change of Pads and Tampons: Medically, pads should be changed every 6 hours
either stained or not white tampons should be used for a maximum of eight
hours. A very strong odour can occur if you forget to change these feminine
products at the right time.
Transmitted Diseases (STD): The disease transmitted during sex can be
responsible for the foul smell. Such diseases include trichomoniasis,
gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
Hygiene: Even though the vagina cleans itself through discharge, not
washing your underwear often or bathing regularly after a sweaty day or
activities can cause vaginal odour.
Vaginosis: This is an infection that gives the vaginal a fishy smell. It
occurs when the normally acidic vagina is outgrown with bacteria then making it
more alkaline. The infection is prevalent among females aged 15-44 years. While
vagina odour can be frustrating, it can be easily treated through the following
Wash and change your underwear regularly. It is also advisable to always shower
after series of exercises or long and stressful activities.
Change pads and tampons regularly, don’t exceed the medical timing. Ensure you
visit a doctor when you cannot get a tampon out.
Watch what you eat and drink in order to maintain a healthy vagina. Consume
more fruits and vegetables.