
Movie: Mari Mar, Philippines Movie


Mari Mar is a poor young innocent girl who lives with her grandparents in a hut on the beach by the ocean. She falls in love with Sergio, the son of a wealthy magnate.

Sergio agrees to marry Mari Mar despite his father and stepmother's disapproval, but along the way he falls deeply in love with her.

Sergio's stepmother Angelica, despises Mari Mar because of her innocence and her lack of knowledge of the world of high society.

Angelica constantly embarrasses Mari Mar, often diminishing her worth as an individual. 

Sergio becomes angry and decides to go away and earn money so he can take Mari Mar away from his father's house, and safe from Angelica wrath.

Angelica forges Sergio's handwriting and writes a letter to Mari Mar stating that he wants nothing more to do with her and that he never loved her. All this, along with the impact of her grandparents' deaths, changes Mari Mar and sets her on the road to revenge.

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