Jhn8:32 says"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".What we need most as Christian believers are spiritual exercises-prayer, studying the word and Christian materials, evangelism, tarrying in God's presence and fasting. We must learn these activities deeply now as we are entering perilous times to stay strong against spiritual attacks coming against us. We are in cosmic age and dangerous time, we must be strong spiritually. When we pray deeply the Lord will show to us the root of our life challenges and how to win the battle. It's through prayer that we can have real contact with the HolySpirit to enter into gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Through prayer we can understand God's will and work with Him in building His kingdom.Through prayer we can actually develop strong intimacy with the HolyGhost and also grow spiritually. We can learn how to walk in the Spirit and overcome life in the flesh and all sinful tendencies. How long and intense we pray will determine how much deliverance we will experience. Our spiritual and physical achievements are keenly tied to our prayer lifestyle.
Destroying demonic influence, deliverance from spells,evil arrows and curses are through strong prayer, fasting and anointing from God. True Christianity is a spiritual process of rebirth;transformation can only be achieved through intense prayer and cooperation with the HolyGhost. He is the one to separate us from the world and it's spirit. Knowing God and living for Him are two different things entirely and these are only possible as the Spirit of God take over our inner man to permit Him have His way in and through us. The way to hell is the wide path,a comfortable, fleshly and enjoyable way (Matt7:13-14) It takes God Himself to lead us in kingdom pursuit, to escape worldly enticement and be delivered from evil powers in the world. He guides us on the narrow path that leads to heaven.
Most of our time should be used for spiritual purposes to gain spiritual strength instead of spending time with films, games, unedifying discussion, political and worldly affairs, partying, phone and social media, fashion and all activities that does not give God the glory.Fasting helps to activate our prayers and enable us have a faster link to get quick results (Isa58).When we pray we engage heaven and cause the kingdom of God to act on our behalf. Prayer is more than asking for selfish gains,it is a spiritual revelation and inspiration of the HolyGhost that works with the word of God. Speaking in an unknown tongue is one of the ways to exercise our spirit unto godliness (I Tim4:7-8)
All problems of life can only be solved by omnipotent God who works with us when we know and trust Him enough to pray to Him. Prophets are God's servants who can show us the root of our problems in life but it is God that solve problems through our faith and prophetic leading. As God's children God calls every believer to a place of prayer where He can remold us,renew us,deliver us,empower us,bless us and settle us(IPet4:10). All spiritual forces of darkness operates in the realm of the spirit, we also need engagement in the spirit to undo their works. The kingdom of darkness hates us with strong passion, we must be strong in faith to tackle them spiritually to live to fulfill our destiny in the midst of their aggressive attacks. When men fail to pray God does nothing. The kingdom of darkness are very powerful but we engage them through the victory Christ Jesus had on them. The reason Jesus says men ought always to pray and not to faint (Luk18:1-14) is because prayer should be our lifestyle and an important spiritual tool. In the realm of the spirit, souls of men are tied in graves,on the trees,under water,inside demonic pots and bottles and so many treasures from men have been stolen by evil agents and stored in their coven. People's lives and destinies that are in bondage are what is manifesting as poverty, illnesses, setbacks,disappointment, madness, untimely death, character disorder, enslavement in false religion, witchcraft, failure, curses,calamities,barrenness,divorce e.t.c most terrible, ugly and sad events we see are wicked evil works that were done in the spirit and later manifest physically. We must be on the offensive side to destroy works of darkness surrounding us. Temptations abound all around us so Christ admonish us to pray Luk22:40. We need a thorough discipleship training to stay on top of our life situation.
The mouth is not just for eating, laughing, talking, expressing feelings and sense of taste but it is the major tool God gave us to have direct link with our hearts and spiritual world. The way to get the link is through prayer. James 5:16 says"Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much". Talking about how we talk and use our mouth Jesus says" But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned" (Matt12:36-37) A lot of people only pray in church and in family devotional prayer time in the morning and evening; during the day they engage in uncouth, coarse,unedified talking using their mouths anyhow to say all manner of bad things, vulgar jokes and speaking unholily this is dangerous for us. Religious prayer is too weak to help us. Prayer can be offered during the day and at night and it can last for several hours. A strong prayer must be intense to spark fire and draw power in the spirit to cause desired changes.
Most people are busy with worldly affairs most times of their lives and that makes them vulnerable and weak spiritually. As the kingdom of darkness are busy with their activities daily we also must be busy with our weapon-PRAYER everyday especially at night. The most difficult life problems to deal with are evil family covenants, demonic altar influence, blood line pattern,spiritual bondage,spells,arrow of darkness and curses. The way of deliverance from strongholds is clear understanding of spiritual worship in prayer. Eph6:10-18 says"Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers,against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand. Stand therefore having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God, praying always with all prayers and supplication in the spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints".This scripture gives the perfect picture of a believer's dressing. The conclusion of the matter is in ICor16:13 "Watch,stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong, let all that you do be done with love". The book of Ezk13:18-20 says "Thus says the Lord God woe to the women who sew magic charms on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt souls of my people and keep yourselves alive? And will you profane me among my people for handful of barley and for pieces of bread,killing people who should not die and keeping people alive who should not live by your lying to my people who listen to lies.
Therefore thus says the Lord God "Behold I am against your magic charms by which you hunt souls there like birds. I will tear them from your arms,and let the souls go, the souls you hunt like birds" That is how God deliver people from evil traps.
Ps142:7 says"Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise your name, the righteous shall surround me, for you shall deal bountifully with me" Prayer is the master key to unlock all the doors to our breakthroughs. The Bible says" But while men slept,his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way" (Matt13:25).
Your greatest achievement is to fulfill purpose. You should discover your gifts,talents and calling for your personal assignment on earth which is the major reason why you were born. Your assignment can only be revealed to you by the HolyGhost through prayer.
Nehemiah was born to rebuild the broken wall of Jerusalem (Neh 1-4).Deborah was born to take up the fight for Israel when all the men of war refused to stand and fight the enemies of the Jews(Judg4-5). Moses was born as a deliverer of Israel from Egypt.
Your assignment may be to manufacture a drug to cure a certain disease or to be a servant of the Lord,prayer is the way to knowledge and prevail against opposing forces that will not want us to discover purpose.
The battle of life you do not completely overcome or destroy will always be fortified by satanic forces again to make it more difficult for you to deal with; so weakness or lethargy in the place of prayer is dangerous.
Lam2:19 says"Arise, cry out in the night, in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord,lift up thy hands towards Him for the life of thy young children that faint for hunger in the top of every street".
Men of influence are men that prays. Until you pray in the spirit and move heaven on your behalf you may not see supernatural breakthrough.
If you do not know God intimately and He comes to help you out of the war facing you, it may be very difficult for you to come out of spiritual bondage.
Prayer is not a soulish or fleshly work but a spiritual exercise. You have to duplicate the victory of Christ over the kingdom of darkness for yourself.
God said" And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed,it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel"(Gen3:15)Christ bruised Satan's head and if you are in Him you are also more than conqueror (Rom8:37).
How did Satan know Moses's destiny that he moved Pharaoh kill new born babies in river Nile,God preserved the life of Moses to use him to achieve His purpose.
Before you came to this would the kingdom of darkness must have studied your star and destiny so most setbacks, disappointments,failure, poverty, sicknesses,madness, wretchedness, untimely death, spiritual blockades might be works of enemies of our soul to abort dreams and destroy destinies. Jabez overcame satanic agenda through prayers (IChr4:10).
I can confidently say that powers of darkness must fight against your plans, dreams, future, destiny and goals in life especially if your assignment is linked with kingdom expansion or helping mankind.
When you win in the place of prayer, your destiny will surely announce you and you will sing songs of victory and testify.Knowledge is power.
Hos4:6 says"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...."Four strong key that helps our prayer life are Holiness, faith, fasting and confession of the word.
Heb12:14 says"Follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord"Jesus also said "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting" (Matt17:21)There are many battles we can never overcome until we fast(Isa58). We must understand holiness very well.
God hates iniquity, sin and unholy materials. Our thought pattern, mind,action and lifestyle must conform with holiness,profane and worldly materials may contaminate us spiritually before God.
Jesus says"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart"(Matt5:27-28). We have study materials on pursuit of holiness for your spiritual development.
You can actually order for complete series of the message in tapes and books with just #3000 only. Jesus says lay up treasures for yourself in heaven and not on earth (Matt6:19-20)This is about spiritual development. We should invest more in spiritual things than in clothes, shoes,jewelries and all worldly things.
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