
Education: Can Russia Defeat The Americans? - Africaflavour

Education: Can Russia Defeat The Americans? - Africaflavour 

By: Chukwuemerie Sizzle 

Education: Can Russia Defeat The Americans? - Africaflavour

Education: Can Russia Defeat The Americans? - Africaflavour 

Russia, once the prominent republic of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics became an independent country after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in December 1991.

Who discovered Russia First? 

Kievan Rus founded Russia led by the Viking Oleg of Novgorod although there have been some disputes over above said names.

      Russia, county that stretches over a vast expanse of eastern Europe and northern Asia. A land of superlatives. By far the worlds largest country, it covers nearly twice the territory of Canada, the second largest. It extends across the whole of northern Asia and the eastern third of Europe, spanning 11 time zones and incorporating a great range of environment and landforms, from desert to semiarid steppes to deep first and Arctic tundra.

And Their Military Strength? 

Manpower, Global firepower ranks Russia as having the second most powerful military force in the world. Russia is a furmidable military power with large numbers of grounds troops and a range of high-tech weaponry which includes high-technology, missiles, nuclear bombs and missiles.


Global firepower ranks Russia as having the second -most-powerful military force in the world, trailing only the U.S. 

Land Power?

Here too, the numbers are stacked heavily in Russia 's favour -Global Firepower list it-below; 

Tanks - 12,420; amoured vehicles: 30,122, self-propelled artillery 6,574; towed artillery, 7,571, rocket projectors 3,391.

Naval Power?

Russia has only 1 aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsor. However, it has 70 submarines, as well as 15 destroyers, 11 frigates, 86 Corvettes, 59 patrol vessels and 49 vessels for submarines in total, it has 605 vessels.

Air Power?

Russia has 4,173 aircraft in total, according to Global firepower. These breakdown as 772 fight aircraft, 739 dedicated attack aircraft, 445 transport aircraft, 20 tankers, 132 for special missions, 1,543 helicopters including 534 attack helicopters and 522 training aircraft.

So can Russia Defeat America? Let's hear your views and comments.

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