Business: Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today - Africaflavour
Some sell rates extracted from the user comments on this page: cannot guarantee trustworthiness of the contacts listed here. Please, DO NOT TRADE with the users listed here; use this platform only for data purposes.
Currency | Rate | Date | User Nick |
USD | ₦ 711 | 19/09/2022 | Sadiq > |
USD | ₦ 705 | 19/09/2022 | Glitters > |
USD | ₦ 707 | 19/09/2022 | Oluwasilas > |
USD | ₦ 708 | 19/09/2022 | Mr bk > |
USD | ₦ 708 | 19/09/2022 | Alhj hone.. > |
USD | ₦ 700 | 19/09/2022 | Pablofx > |
USD | ₦ 699 | 18/09/2022 | Pablofx > |
USD | ₦ 710 | 17/09/2022 | Sir K > | cannot guarantee correctness of the rates shared by users listed above.
Dollar to Naira exchange rate in Nigeria black market is between ₦700 and ₦711 with an average of ₦706.50 today on 19/09/2022, according to 6 sell rates shared by the users as comments.
For the last 7 days, between 12/09/2022 and 18/09/2022, Dollar to Naira black market rate took values between ₦690 and ₦711 with an average of ₦704.78. When we compare today’s (19/09/2022) values with the last 7 days, average Dollar to Naira rate had a 1.72 points increase from ₦704.78 to ₦706.50 which corresponds to a 0.24% rise.