
"THE BEYOND" produced by Victor Ndigidem coming soon

"THE BEYOND" produced by Victor Ndigidem coming soon 

"THE BEYOND" produced by Victor Ndigidem coming out soon on VIKEYMAHO TV

Synopsis of the movie “*THE BEYOND*”.


Anthony Monjaro, 

Keira Hewatch, 

Maureen Sylva, 

Emeka Okoye and Lydia Achebe. 

Produced by Victor Ndigidem and directed by Collins Ahams (DGN).


Trisha was played by Keira Hewatch 

Maurice was played by Anthony Monjaro

Ella was played by Lydia Achebe 

Susan was played by Maureen Sylva

Mike was played by Emeka Okoye

 See photos of behind the scenes below 👇

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